Go directly to confession, don’t wait, pope says at audience

If you haven't been to confession recently, don't wait, Pope Francis told people at his weekly general audience. One may walk into the confessional with a heavy heart, but forgiveness brings freedom and lightness. "If a lot of time has passed, don't lose even one more day. Go," the pope said Feb. 19

Facing the truth about ourselves is a step toward holiness, pope says

Facing the truth about ourselves is not easy, Pope Francis told the faithful at a parish on the outskirts of Rome. He also spoke forcefully about the sin of gossip.

Pope to engaged couples: After ‘I do,’ comes ‘may I, thank you, sorry’

"The perfect family doesn't exist, nor is there a perfect husband or a perfect wife, and let's not talk about the perfect mother-in-law!" Pope Francis said to laughter and applause.

Massgoer says society needs to see importance of sacrament of marriage

The octogenarian lovebirds come every year to celebrate World Marriage Day at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels. Married at La Placita Church in Los Angeles Nov. 25, 1951, 85-year-old Ralph Guerrero and his wife, Mary, 84, were the longest-married couple among 81 couples at the World Marriage Day Mass in English at the cathedral Feb. 9.

‘Chess game at lightning speed’: Nun says hockey’s in her blood

Despite claiming citizenship in both Canada and the United States, U.S.-born Sister Helena Burns always pulls for the maple leaf in international hockey. The 2014 Olympics will be no different.

Mass to pray for persecuted Church in Middle East

Bishop Nevares will celebrate a Mass Feb. 16 at St. Anne Church in Gilbert to pray for the persecuted Christians of the Middle East.

Pro-life advocates laud drop in abortion rate

Almost two weeks after the national March for Life rally in Washington, the Guttmacher Institute reported a 13 percent drop in national abortion rates from 2008 to 2011 -- making for the lowest rate since 1973 when abortion on demand was legalized in the U.S.

U.N. committee presses Vatican on child abuse, some Church teaching

The U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child continued to insist that the Vatican compile and publish detailed statistics on clerical sexual abuse of minors and that the pope, as head of the church, can and should order Catholic dioceses and religious orders around the world to implement all the policies of the U.N. Convention of the Rights of the Child.

‘Troublemaker’ pope reshaping church, but drawing some skepticism

As early on as it is for the pontificate of Pope Francis, his statements and actions already have given guidance for how simple changes can improve the world, said panelists at Georgetown University.

New complications in executions bring new death penalty discussions

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- International law, the risk of using inhumane methods of execution and opposition to capital punishment by the survivors of murder victims...