Federal judge blocks HHS transgender regulation
AUSTIN, Texas (CNS) — A federal judge in Texas Dec. 31 blocked a regulation by the Department of Health and Human Services requiring Catholic hospitals and health care providers to perform or provide gender transition services, saying it would place “substantial pressure” on the plaintiffs — a coalition of religious medical organizations who said the ruling was contrary to their religious beliefs.
Catholics in Congress: one-third of House, one-quarter of Senate
The religious makeup of the 115th Congress is significantly Christian — 91 percent — with four more Catholics than last term.
New Year calls for courage, hope; no more hatred, selfishness, pope says [VIDEO]
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Whether the new year will be good or not depends on us choosing to do good each day, Pope Francis said.
Burlington Diocese to celebrate Year of Creation in 2017
Scientists, activists and people of faith are assisting with the initiative and a forthcoming website will help Catholics in any diocese.
Catholics offer Christmas Eve Rosary at Glendale Planned Parenthood
GLENDALE — On one of the busiest shopping days of the year, when most people bustle about with last-minute Christmas preparations, about 250 Catholics gathered at a Glendale Planned Parenthood facility that performs abortions through 17 weeks and six days’ gestation.
New Safe Environment director brings gifts, experience
Since she took over the role of director of Safe Environment Training for the Diocese of Phoenix last month, Dr. Kathy Cisar has been moved by the support provided to survivors and the educational resources available, and she’s ready to do her part to make sure people have the tools necessary to keep children and vulnerable adults safe.
Plumbing company supports FSL clients
A $10,000-per-month grant through September will help address repair and home improvement projects for limited income senior citizens.
World scarred by war, greed must welcome prince of peace, pope says
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The song of the angels that heralded the birth of Christ urges men and women to seek peace in a world divided by war, terrorism and greed, Pope Francis said.
Card ministry allows inmates to share Christmas joy
Some 5,000 to 6,000 cards are donated annually, mostly from local parishioners, for the inmates to send to family and maybe even the guards.
Eighth-graders with hearts rooted in service vie for scholarship awards
Each fall yields a fresh crop of highly-deserving eighth-graders seeking a Christian Service Award. Exactly 144 students applied.