Parishes gear up for new catechetical school year
Serving as a catechist is not just a job you do, it’s an expression of private and public faith. They, alongside parents, serve as models for thousands of children in faith formation programs.
High school seniors named among Arizona’s 300 merit semifinalists
The tallies are still coming in, but so far at least 16 local Catholic high school seniors have earned themselves the title based on PSAT scores.
Alpha feeds body, soul of young adult guests
It’s the gentlest dinner invitation to what could ultimately land someone at the eternal banquet.
Archbishop rejects claim religious liberty used as excuse to discriminate
WASHINGTON (CNS) — Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore sharply criticized comments made by Martin Castro, chairman of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, that the phrases “religious liberty” and “religious freedom” were “code words” used to discriminate.
Choice Wine conference invites couples to ‘superabundant marriage’ [VIDEO]
For the first time in U.S. history, married couples are a minority household structure, says Steve Bollman, founder of Paridisus Dei. Because of this breakdown in the family, individuals are growing up without a healthy view of marriage.
Shea Homes improves classrooms, playgrounds at eight schools
One month in, students and staff at eight Catholic elementary schools remain grateful for the multi-million-dollar project.
Recapturing the public square: Sept. 17 event to provide ‘pep talk’ to Catholics
In the midst of a contentious political season, Catholics might be tempted to obey the maxim about steering clear of politics and religion in public. But that’s not what they’re called to do.
Maryland Catholic school grad shines in swim for gold at Paralympics
Paralympian Rebecca Meyers is majoring in history in college and made some of her own Sept. 8 at the 2016 Summer Paralympics in Rio de Janeiro: her first gold medal and a world record.
USCCB urges HHS compromise on contraceptive mandate case
A Sept. 9 letter from USCCB officials stressed that a compromise could effectively be reached.
Author finds One World Trade Center a witness to nation’s spirit
"It's a secular site encoded with multiple symbols of faith, hope and love," she wrote in a new detailed, illustrated exploration of the political, structural and aesthetic forces that clashed, combined and coalesced before the building opened in October 2014.