Student’s tie design takes flight with Southwest Airlines

The odds of winning were sky high, but a Ss. Simon and Jude student defied the odds.

Flint crisis underlines need to reach out to urban centers, says priest

The ongoing water crisis in Flint, Michigan, is a reminder for Catholics in suburban parishes of their responsibility to reach out to people in need in urban centers, a pastor said.

Bishop Olmsted establishes new leadership position at Xavier, Notre Dame Preparatories

Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted announced today the establishment of a new executive leadership structure at Xavier College Preparatory in Phoenix and Notre Dame Preparatory in Scottsdale. The two Catholic high schools are implementing a “President/Principal” model, providing for an external-facing institution builder (president) and an internal-facing champion of academics (principal).

Socially responsible investors press companies to do the right thing

For investors concerned about corporate accountability and transparency, it's one of the busiest times of the year.

‘Big Fish’ musical moves from Broadway to NDP

Notre Dame Preparatory in Scottsdale will be the first high school in Arizona history to present the musical "Big Fish" Feb. 26-27 and March 4-5 in the school's auditorium.

Death-row experience interweaves lives of priest, man he helped free

A one-time registered nurse and lawyer who is now a priest crossed paths with a death row inmate leading to a journey that continues outside of prison walls.

Every Saturday, the Mercy Bus brings lapsed Catholics to confession

Passersby can receive miraculous medals and step on board to talk with a priest, receive a blessing or go to confession.

The final stretch: Hundreds of ‘elect’ enter final discernment process before becoming fully Catholic

Some 600 people had a memorable way of showing their newfound love for the Catholic faith.

Brophy freshman testifies before U.S. Senate Committee

A Brophy freshman will have a solid reason for missing classes Feb. 25. He will be testifying before the U.S. government.

Parish’s young adult outreach taps into ‘homebrewed evangelism’

Whether it's at a parish or at a bar, parish leaders are brewing up a new approach to young adult evangelization via home-brewed beer and a Phoenix chapter of "Catholic Beer Club."