Newman Centers: NAU ‘Catholic Jacks’ inspire faith
When students enter college, they enjoy the opportunity to seek new experiences, develop new friends, and establish their own values.
Newman Centers: ASU Newman Center launches ‘Catholicism 101’
Arizona State University, with an enrollment that tops 60,000 students, is fertile ground for the New Evangelization and continuing spiritual formation.
Pope urges visitors to really get to know Jesus by reading Gospels
Pope Francis asked thousands of people gathered in St. Peter's Square to be quiet for a moment and ponder the question, "Who is Jesus to you?"
‘Blessings and Beers’ event highlights diocesan support in North Deanery
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted shared his mission with a gathering of 143 faithful from the North Deanery at the annual Blessings and Beers event held in Flagstaff Aug. 8.
Little Sisters get temporary relief while Supreme Court mulls taking case
The Little Sisters of the Poor have received temporary protection from the federal contraception mandate until the Supreme Court decides whether or not it will hear their case. On Aug. 21, the Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that the Little Sisters will not be subject the to mandate’s requirements or the fines associated with resisting it. The court order lasts until the Supreme Court announces whether it will take up the sisters’ appeal. If the Court agrees to hear the case, the protection from the mandate will last until it issues a final ruling.
College of St. Scholastica increases Arizona presence via new partnership
A one-stop shop for quality higher education in social work is on the way. An agreement between a small, four-year Catholic college and the area’s largest public community college among a 10-campus system will come to life when its first cohort of students begin class in a few weeks. The College of St. Scholastica forged a partnership with Mesa Community College to strengthen its Arizona presence and offer continuity for social work students interested in pursuing a four-year degree.
Wake Up The World: Q&A with Sr. Theresa Jodocy, OSB
To help mark the ongoing Year of Consecrated Life, The Catholic Sun is featuring each month members of religious communities who serve the Diocese of Phoenix.
Elderly woman brutally attacked in Omaha church responds with forgiveness [VIDEO]
OMAHA, Neb. (CNA/EWTN News) — Police have arrested one suspect in the assault and robbery of a 76-year-old woman at Omaha’s Catholic cathedral —...
Diocese welcomes another ‘Xavier’ to its family as new university opens
GILBERT — The Diocese of Phoenix, which already has two schools and a parish honoring St. Francis Xavier, welcomed a new “Xavier” to its fold. It came in at four-stories tall, spans 87,000-square-feet and honors Mother Frances Xavier Warde who established the Sisters of Mercy in the U.S. with a mission to educate. Saint Xavier University representatives, alongside plenty of community and diocesan leaders who led the initiative, celebrated the town’s first collegiate institution during its grand opening celebration Aug. 4.
Penitential path: Theologians discuss promise, pitfalls of process
The church must do something to present more clearly its teaching on marriage; it must do more to help young couples prepare for marriage; it must be more effective in helping couples in trouble; and it must reach out to those who divorced and remarried without an annulment, theologians and canon lawyers say.