Eighth-graders test waters of parenthood with Catholic Charities program

From Friday afternoon through Monday morning, eighth-graders have the chance to experience parenthood this summer by caring for "babies" that replicate the 24/7 activities of a real infant.

Priest who served Phoenix Diocese in retirement, dies

The Church is mourning the loss of Fr. Charles Casale who served various parishes in the Diocese of Phoenix, especially St. Anne in Gilbert during his retirement. He entered eternal rest June 17 at the age of 75.

‘Desert nuns’ welcome new novice

Behind the grate to the left of the sanctuary, Jennifer Meissonnier knelt as her hair was cut, and she was given the veil and habit she would wear during her two-year Novitiate.

Pastor from family of priests named Holy Cross vocations director

Holy Cross Father Neil Wack is among three Holy Cross priests in his family. Effective July 1, he will serve as vocations director for the order.

Extension’s Flat Francis image helps build excitement for pope’s visit

Pope Francis isn't going to be visiting the United States until September, but that hasn't kept the pope from going all around the nation, if only as a simple piece of paper for the time being.

Apoyo diocesano para los seminaristas es parte crucial del CDA

El largo camino hacia la ordenación es un arduo viaje de formación para un hombre que escucha la llamada a las sagradas órdenes.

Diocesan support for seminarian formation makes up crucial part of CDA

The financial blow to the families of men discerning priesthood — some $35,000-$45,000 per year for seminary education, food, housing and insurance — could be insurmountable over the next six to nine years if not for the annual Charity and Development Appeal.

Helping the poor involves Knights in faith in ‘deep way,’ says Anderson

The volunteerism of the Knights of Columbus and the fraternal organization's fundraising for charitable works fit right in with Pope Francis' emphasis on the idea of "a church of and for the poor," according to Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.

Dcn. Fernando Camou waits for his ordination with joy

With just days to go until his ordination to the priesthood, Dcn. Fernando Camou turned his thoughts toward the momentous occasion.

El Diácono Fernando Camou espera su ordenación con alegría

Con apenas unos días hasta su ordenación al sacerdocio, el Diácono Fernando Camou dirigió sus pensamientos hacia tan esperada ocasión.