Following Christ is bound to make us uncomfortable
As a child I grew up in a house without air-conditioning, a small, three-bedroom ranch with few windows.
Astronauts found God in space
I didn’t realize there was a moon-landing Bible verse until my pastor mentioned it a few weeks ago. It seems that while returning from...
Sacerdotes santos y sanos
Llegamos ahora a la sexta y última columna de esta serie abordando los recientes escándalos que han dañado tanto la Iglesia.
State-sanctioned killing is not about love
Before you say: “He would say that, he’s a bishop,” please hear me out. When it comes to calls for euthanasia, I get it, I really do. A few years ago, I was close to death.
State of the Campaign: Newman Centers
Going off to college can be one of the most exciting, yet faith-challenging, experiences a person can have.
Gifts of the Holy Spirit embolden us to stand for Christ
Today, nearly 2,000 years later, we’re still living in the glow of that glorious moment when the Holy Spirit rushed upon the Apostles, emboldening them to carry the Gospel to all nations.
Bonum fortuna
Latin, the root of more than half the English vocabulary, is an intrinsic element of our linguistic DNA. Any attempt to keep it alive is well worth broadcasting.
What Our Local Church Can Do
Having already addressed certain aspects of the scandals that have so hurt the Church over recent decades, I wish now to consider the question of what can be done.
Lo que puede hacer nuestra Iglesia local
Después de haber abordado ciertos aspectos de los escándalos que tanto han herido la Iglesia en las últimas décadas, deseo ahora examinar la cuestión de lo que se puede hacer.
State of the Campaign: Seminarian Support
The Seminarian Support component of the “Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante” campaign is particularly exciting to me because it directly affects the men who will serve as our future priests.