Leave a light on and let it shine in the darkness

“What came to be through Him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” This quote from the beginning of the Gospel of John points us to the reality of Christ as the light of the world.

Discurso del Obispo Olmsted en el Desayuno de Oración Nacional Católica

“¡Cristo ha resucitado! ¡Verdaderamente ha resucitado!”

Are sacraments conferred by laicized priests, bishops valid?

In light of the laicization of Theodore McCarrick, some Catholics whose children or grandchildren were baptized or confirmed are wondering if the sacraments administered by McCarrick are still valid.

State of the Campaign: Parish Support

The “Together Let Us Go Forth ~ Juntos Sigamos Adelante” campaign gives parishes the opportunity to meet the immediate needs of their community while joining with the rest of the diocese to build up the body of Christ through the work of discipleship and evangelization.

Bishop Olmsted’s Address to the 2019 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

https://youtu.be/GQ1ZJtBvZfI?t=5270 Following are Bishop Olmsted’s prepared remarks from the 2019 National Catholic Prayer Breakfast on April 23, 2019: “Christ is risen! He is truly risen!” This traditional greeting of Eastern Christians...

‘The Organ Lives!’ — Notre Dame’s Monstrous Organ Survives Fire

The world was obviously taken aback when news broke with terrifying videos of smoke and fire coming from the beloved Notre Dame Cathedral.

Holy Week, Easter provide new beginnings

When you get right down to it, the message of Easter is one of hope. Jesus is victorious over sin and death and offers each of us the gift of new life.

Progress Made in Priestly Formation

In this series, I have been addressing certain aspects of the scandals that the Church has suffered over the past 70 years.

Avances en la formación sacerdotal

En esta serie, me he estado enfocando en ciertos aspectos de los escándalos que la Iglesia ha sufrido durante los últimos 70 años.

New book invites reader into deeper reflection of Holy Week

The season of Lent and Holy Week, the most sacred season for Catholics, the focus where all of our reality comes alive, is upon us.