There’s plenty in a name, especially the One that is above every name

I can still hear her voice, all these years later: A coworker at the local newspaper where I was working was angry — very angry — and launched into an explosive tirade with one word.

Catholic Schools Week invites us to recognize the gift of Catholic education

Catholic schools also contribute to the common good, providing graduates with a respect for their patriotic responsibilities and giving them the tools necessary to lead successful, rewarding lives as contributing members of society.

No Catholic MLKs?

There is an enduring myth that African-American Catholics were largely absent from the freedom struggles of the 1950s and 1960s, which resulted in the legal demise of Jim Crow segregation.

Holy, Yet Needing Purification

This month, I begin a new series that addresses the scandals of the Church that came to light across our nation this past summer.

Cardinal Joseph L. Bernardin’s consistent ethic of life

I once heard someone argue that Jesus’ family from Nazareth must have been prosperous and wealthy.

What do we know about the Magi?

The arrival of the Magi may be the most famous part of Matthew’s infancy narrative. What are some little-known elements in both scriptural and traditional accounts of the Magi?

Speak to Me Lord, Dec. 30, 2018: Look to the family

No family is perfect. But every family, however weak or broken, has dignity.

Take up acts of service this Christmas season

The Christmas season is wonderful, but it sometimes induces a measure of guilt.

Christ’s birth brings hope to a broken world

No one can offer you more hope than Jesus Christ. In a world broken by sin, this season of hope we call Advent calls each one of us to turn our eyes to the stable in Bethlehem where our Savior took on flesh and became one of us, to show us the way of forgiveness and love.

Take heart! God is with us!

Perhaps it’s the compressed calendar, or the external decor that grabs our attention with “Celebrate the season!”