Don’t give up on forever: Tips to save your marriage

“Do you want the American Flag stamps or the Forever stamps?” the lady behind the counter asked. “The Forever stamps are, well, forever. Some people have a hard time understanding that,” she added, wrinkling her brow.

The ‘nonsignificant’ among us

The homeless person sitting on the corner near our church never moved off his bench despite freezing temperatures. No matter the time of day, there he sat bundled up in clothes people had donated.

The Family: The first school of Discipleship

It was not, of course, an ideal environment for growing in the faith, and it was probably a different environment than most of you face, but, whatever the circumstances, God provides what we need, if we make good use of what He has made available.

La Familia: Primera escuela del discipulado

Crecí en una granja en el noreste de Kansas, donde montar a caballo a nuestra escuela de un sola salón, cuidando de los cerdos y el ganado, trabajando en los campos, y pasar tiempo con la familia vino tan naturalmente como respirar.

Solanus Casey beatification affirms Phoenix friars’ presence, paves way for future saints

The Phoenix is an allegorical bird that regenerates itself. Though it dies, it rises again from its own bones. The city of Phoenix was so named because there was once an ancient civilization that prospered in the desert but it was abandoned. Nonetheless, that desert civilization was reborn and we now call it home.

A true Christmas

We must wonder how many will truly celebrate Christmas this year, making it the best ever.

Peace amid conflict

At one time or another, we’ve all secretly yearned for the Madison Avenue version of Christmas.

‘O come, let us adore Him’

“Jesus was born in a humble stable, into a poor family. Simple shepherds were the first witnesses to this event. In this poverty heaven’s glory was made manifest. The Church never tires of singing the glory of this night.”

Want more joy in your life? Here’s your recipe

There’s a grotto in Nazareth that marks the spot where the Angel Gabriel told Mary she would be the mother of Jesus. Think of it: Here she is, a young teenager engaged to be married, and she’s just found out she’s entrusted with carrying the Son of God in her womb!

Discipleship: Continuing Conversion in our Journey of Faith

Friendship with Jesus does not begin with our human initiative. It begins with Him. “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you,” He tells us (Cf. Jer 1:5), “before you were born I dedicated you.”