El discipulado: Conversión constante en nuestro camino de fe
Amistad con Jesús no comienza con la iniciativa humana. Comienza con Él. “Antes de formarte en el vientre materno, yo te conocía”, nos dice (Jeremías 1:5), “antes de que salieras del seno, yo te había consagrado”.
Our Lady of Guadalupe is a feast for Byzantine Catholics, too
CHICAGO (CNS) — Renowned for its reverence for ancient tradition, the Byzantine Catholic Church is rather unhurried to add new feasts to its liturgical calendar.
Count your blessings and give thanks
It is easy to slip into ungratefulness amid life's challenges, but remembering the everyday blessings God provides is an antidote to the woes of the world.
Farewell, and spread the love!
Be open to the changes God brings forth in your lives, in our nation, in our world and even in our Church. And meet them all with love in your hearts.
Discipleship: A Journey, not a Destination
Mark the Evangelist recounts a telling story about a blind man named Bartimaeus cured by Jesus because of his professed faith. After Bartimaeus was healed of his blindness, he followed Him “along the way” (Mk 10:52); that is, he became His disciple.
El discipulado: Un viaje, no un destino
Marcos el evangelista relata una historia acerca de un hombre ciego llamado Bartimeo curado por Jesús a causa de su fe profesada.
Fostering and adopting children: The toughest job you’ll ever love
One woman's prayer for the miracle to adopt two children slowly became real — starting the next day when a girl climbed into her husband's lap.
Following in the footsteps of a blessed
I bumped into Sr. Felisa Muxtaytum, MSE, while I was touring an exhibit on the life of Blessed Stanley Rother at the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City chancery.
‘Do whatever He tells you’
“Do whatever He tells you” (Jn 2:5). These words of the Mother of God at the Wedding Feast of Cana are like a bright beacon pointing the way to our happiness and the way to the Heart of Christ.
‘Haced lo que Él os diga’
“Haced lo que él os diga” (Juan 2:5). Estas palabras de la Madre de Dios en la Fiesta de la Boda de Caná son como un faro luminoso que señala el camino de nuestra felicidad y el Corazón de Cristo.