How the ‘Joy of the Gospel’ hit close to home
In early July, I represented the Diocese of Phoenix and Catholic Charities Community Services at the “Convocation of Catholic Leaders: The Joy of the Gospel in America” in Orlando, Florida. A gathering of leaders like this is rare: the last time such a convocation occurred was 100 years ago during World War I!
Defending Marriage and the Family
Throughout the history of salvation, God chooses to use what seems too small and insignificant to accomplish his purposes. Small realities, ordinary people: like the poor young children of Fatima, like the family.
Defensa del matrimonio y la familia
A lo largo de la historia de la salvación, Dios decide usar lo que parece demasiado pequeño e insignificante para llevar a cabo sus propósitos. Pequeñas realidades, personas comunes y ordinarias, así como los niños pobres de Fátima, como la familia.
El Rosario — Arma de María para la Paz
En medio de un número creciente de víctimas y el terrible sufrimiento causado por la Primera Guerra Mundial, y como los líderes del mundo no mostraron ningún interés en trabajar por la paz, Dios envió a la Santísima Virgen María a los niños en el centro de Portugal con un plan que podrían convertir corazones y así detener el derramamiento de sangre.
The Rosary — Mary’s Weapon for Peace
God sent the Blessed Virgin Mary to little children in central Portugal with a plan that could convert hearts and thereby stop the bloodshed.
Byzantine nun’s life served as example of loving Christ
It had been a long, hot afternoon with visits to nearly a dozen parishes. By the time I pulled up in front of St. Stephen Byzantine Cathedral in North Phoenix, I was thirsty, tired and a bit discouraged.
Shout out your faith during Pentecost Month!
The Catholic religion is first and foremost about actively bringing love and peace to a world that always seems to be in the middle of some kind of strife and conflict.
Spiritual warfare: Are you armed and ready for battle?
There were maybe a dozen or so of us in the Bible study group, seated on comfortable chairs, a candle flickering on the table in the center of the room as we discussed a chapter of Acts.
Freedom aided by prayer: First Saturday Devotion
Can prayer change the direction of history? Are prayer and acts of penance capable of preventing nuclear annihilation? Can prayers and penance increase our freedom? “Yes, yes and yes.”
Libertad con la ayuda de oración: Devoción del Primer Sábado
¿Se puede cambiar la dirección de la historia por medio de la oración? ¿Se puede prevenir la aniquilación nuclear por medio de la oración y los actos de penitencia? ¿Puede aumentar nuestra libertad por medio de la oración y penitencia? “Sí, sí y sí”.