Editor’s Corner: We need to see Christ in those with whom we disagree

I noticed a very disturbing trend on social media a few weeks ago following the Supreme Court’s decision to redefine marriage to include same-sex couples.

Build a culture of vocations by supporting priests

We sat there in the restaurant, two women who have been friends for more than 30 years, and talked about the nine sons between us. There were times we wondered if we would survive (hello sleep deprivation and teenage shenanigans) or if we’d ever have an uninterrupted conversation again.

Catholics must lead the way in providing for a culture of love, respect

A few months ago I wrote a column about how Catholics had a duty to defend our Muslim brothers and sisters, those that mean us no harm, as they brave the slings and arrows of those that wish to take out their anger for terrorists on them. I had no idea the fight would come so close to home so soon.

Raise your hands in support of vocations

I wanted this month’s edition of the Sun to focus on vocations, because every one of you, I’m sure has a similar story you can share about someone who is living this vocation.

Father, Doctor and Child: St. Anthony of Padua

He was happy to serve in relative obscurity since it left him time most days for private prayer and study, time to deepen his knowledge and love of Christ; but God had very different plans in mind.

Padre, Doctor y Niño: San Antonio de Padua

Él estaba feliz de servir en relativa oscuridad porque le dejaba tiempo casi todos los días para oración y el estudio privado, tiempo para profundizar en su conocimiento y amor de Cristo; pero una vez más Dios tenía planes muy diferentes en mente.

Voces de fe: El Gobernador Raúl Castro, un hombre de fe

Cuando todavía era un adolescente, Raúl Castro acudió a una celebración del Día de Independencia en Douglas, Arizona, en la que el primer gobernador...

Arizona Legislature completes shortest session in decades

On April 3, the Arizona Legislature adjourned sine die at 3:37 a.m. after spending 81 days in session. The session was extremely fast-paced and...

God’s Happiest Saint: St. Philip Neri

Five hundred years ago, in AD 1515, a man was born whom the world would come to know as the Apostle of Rome and one of the Church’s funniest saints.

El Santo más feliz de Dios: San Felipe Neri

Hace quinientos años, en el año 1515, nació un hombre que el mundo llegaría a conocer como el apóstol de Roma y uno de los más divertidos santos de la Iglesia.