Diocese’s communications efforts have always pointed to evangelization

I’ve now served in the Catholic press for 12 years. I use the term “serve” because those of us in the field consider this to be a vocation.

Q&A with Bishop Olmsted: A look at the past, present and future of the...

"It was one of the very few dioceses where I didn’t know any priests, deacons, religious or lay leaders before I arrived..." the bishop said, "Now I feel very much like the spiritual father, and I feel so close to this family."

History lesson reveals origin of marriage crisis

Two centuries ago, British philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke famously warned that those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

Should Biden have been given Communion? Maybe that is the wrong question

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden was denied holy Communion by a pastor of a South Carolina Church Oct. 27, and people can’t stop talking about it.

State of the Campaign: Newman Centers

All three Newman Centers in the Diocese of Phoenix have outgrown their spaces. The "Together Let Us Go Forth" campaign will help each build, among other initiatives impacting every parish.

Jesus: The Truth who sets us free

“I am the way, the truth and the life.” The day after Jesus pronounced these words to His disciples in the upper room, Pilate asked Him, “What is truth?”

Brother of Dallas murder victim offers example of forgiveness for us all

When I was a young reporter just out of college working for the Niles Daily Times, I covered a murder trial.

A model of courage and faith

How far would a person go to follow the truth? This is the story of Blessed John Henry Newman — soon to be saint — who will be canonized by Pope Francis at the Vatican Oct. 13.

Movies: Abominable

NEW YORK (CNS) — “Adorable” has a new synonym: “Abominable” (DreamWorks), a charming animated film which transforms the dreaded Yeti monster — the legendary abominable snowman — into a lovable furball.

Personal pilgrimage to historic New York cathedral reveals presence of God

Standing there in front of the bank of flickering candles, we closed our eyes and silently whispered a prayer, the days and years and lifetimes leading up to that moment behind us and yet somehow within us.