Faith & Science Night: Searching for Life in Creation
Presented by James Renn, Vatican Observatory Ambassador
Saturday, February 4, 2023 from 5:30 to 6:30 pm
With so many news articles about the search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI), the evening’s presentation will focus on the Divine Creation concept of the Universe and how we as God’s creatures interact with it and with other “creatures”. Vatican Observatory Ambassador, James Renn, would like to give us another lecture. This time on extraterrestrial life and what the Church and Catholic scientists think about the possibility that aliens exist. There are many articles by Catholic scientists, including the Vatican Observatory Director, Brother Guy Consolmagno, and our previous director, Fr. Jose Funes, about the existence of aliens.
Consider the spirituality of the Vatican cosmologist Fr. Bill Stoeger who said, “Something we often forget: We are part of Nature and products of the Universe. Thus, we are intimately related to the Universe which is defined as “all that there is”.
Hopefully this presentation will give each of us a new perspective on the search for life in God’s Creation.
This is a free presentation. All are welcome to attend.