Chaplain Mary George-Whittle
Deepen your knowledge of the Holy Trinity
You are invited to retreat and take time to reflect upon the unity and diversity of the most Holy Trinity, God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Chaplain Mary George-Whittle will share insights into the personalities, traits, and characteristics of each person in the Trinity and their relationship to each other and to you. This retreat is designed to unite minds, hearts, and voices to gain a greater personal connection and deeper awareness of how active our Triune God is in your life and how integral relationships are to understanding the nature of God in your own personal faith journey. You will also be amazed by the multitude of gifts the Holy Trinity has bestowed upon us to help us through this earthly life!
FEE: Single, $300 includes meals and lodging; Commuter, $150 includes meals.
Pre-registration required.
Sign Up By Thu, May 29 at 4:00 pm
To register, visit