Grow closer to all three persons of the Holy Trinity
You are invited to retreat to reflect upon the unity and diversity of the most Holy Trinity: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Chaplain Mary George-Whittle will share insights into the personalities, traits and characteristics of each person in the Trinity and their relationship to each other and to you. This retreat is designed to unite minds, hearts and voices together to gain a greater personal connection and deeper awareness of how active our Triune God is in your life.
The retreat is structured by first offering an understanding of the Trinity using the Nicene/Apostles Creed as the main focus of explanation, and then we will enter into three segments on each person of the Trinity: Father, Son, Holy Spirit. The major resource for understanding the Trinity will come from Scripture as we delve into the Trinity from a threefold aspect: the emotional, mental, and spiritual context of each person individually and the harmonious unity between them. The last segment, entitled “Trinity Talk” will bring all three persons together to expand your perspective of how integral relationships are to understanding the nature of God in your own personal faith journey.
Fee, including meals: Single Room, $300; Commuter, $150. Pre-registration required.
Email for information on double rooms.
Sign Up By Thursday, May 9 at 7:00 pm