Fr. Page Polk, OFM and Ryan M. Sheade, LCSW
Become a part of the solution rather than the problem.
Everyone seems to be talking about how divisive society is these days. It’s hard to go a day without seeing someone “blow up” at someone else or extreme emotional reactions inside ourselves, whether in a restaurant or grocery store, at work, or – especially – while driving!
In family therapy terms, many of us seem to be highly “emotionally reactive.” The concept of “differentiation of self,” first coined by Murray Bowen, is one of emotional maturity and ego strengths – and it is the opposite of this emotional reactivity. If we are to have a world of connected helpers and of caring and compassion toward one another, all of us will need to increase our differentiation and thus move away from the emotional reactivity that seems to characterize not only many of our relationships but also the public discourse.
Join Fr. Page Polk, OFM, Rector of Our Lady of the Angels at the Casa and Ryan M. Sheade, LCSW, clinical social worker and Director of the Casa’s Therapy, Support, and Counseling Ministry for a talk, followed by discussion about how we can use therapy theory and spiritual connection to become less reactive and solve this problem of divisiveness. Let’s become part of the solution rather than the problem.
FEE: $10 per person. Pre-registration required.
Sign Up By Thu, May 1 at 7:00 pm
To register, visit