This diocesan-wide day of renewal is aimed at inspiring attendees to live out their Baptism so as to welcome more people into the Catholic Church. The daylong event is geared for everyone from faith formation leaders, catechists, and Order of Christian Initiation of Adults team members to parishioners at large.
The event will help develop a fuller realization of the graces inherent in our baptisms in order to enliven all the faithful in their relationships with God and one another. This awareness calls all parish members to active participation in the life of their parish community and to taking on a more active role.
Keynote speakers at the day of renewal include Fr. Kwame Assenyoh of the Diocese of Oakland and Fr. Ron Oakham, O.Carm. Fr. Assenyoh will speak about the inseparable link between the person of Christ and the Church, examining the mission and vocation of the Church in the world.
Fr. Oakham’s keynote address will focus on how the Vatican II documents helped move our Church toward a community-based initiation process, embracing the entire parish family in the process.
Workshops on the OCIA process, canon law, the ministry of godparents, marriage prep and other topics will also be available. The day includes time for fellowship and networking, a continental breakfast and catered lunch. Your $20 registration fee covers the cost of materials, the continental breakfast and catered lunch. Bishop John P. Dolan of the Diocese of Phoenix will celebrate the 4 p.m. Mass at Corpus Christi following the event.