Sr. Hosea Rupprecht, FSP
Helping parents learn a healthy mindset to guiding their children in the modern day of technology and social media.
Kids today instinctively know how to use technology. BUT… they need our help to make meaning from all they see and hear through digital means. Whether your kids are seven or seventeen, as parents you take the lead in doing all you can to ensure your child’s safety online. But there’s more to raising digital disciples than safety alone. This interactive presentation gives tips and strategies for working together with your kids in providing a faith-filled media environment that helps build the character traits you desire in your children.
Presented by Sr. Hosea Rupprecht, FSP, Associate Director, Pauline Media Studies
FEE: $10. Pre-registration required.
Sign Up By Monday, February 10 at 6:00 pm
To register, visit