The Care for Creation Ministry invites you to our first “Unlocking the Key to Laudato Si’ Film Festival and Art Show” at the Casa on Saturday, April 9. Four feature-length films that have received dozens of film festival awards and recognition globally plus a variety of shorts will be presented throughout the day for you to choose from for viewing. This is an opportunity to take in significant eco-spiritual films with others who share your interest in high-quality, thoughtful, and entertaining films. There will be time for contemplation and discussion and for viewing local art from an ecological perspective in a variety of mediums, at your leisure.
Admission to the Festival also includes lunch, snacks, refreshments, and a closing wine and bread reception. Opening festivities begin at 11 am, with check-in at 10:30 am. The festival will take place in the newly remodeled San Damiano Auditorium and four rooms in Piper Hall.
The Care for Creation Ministry is grateful for a grant received from the Victory Noll Sisters Small Grants Program and Catholic Climate Covenant to help defray part of the costs for this event. The festival is also inspired by Pope Francis’s encyclical, Laudato Si’: Care for Our Common Home and the seven Laudato Si’ goals established to promote greater care for Earth, our shared home.
Fee: $45 per person. Pre-registration is required: visit or call 480.948.7460.
Scholarships are available; please contact