FREE Resource Fair for Families with Special Needs

Saint Jerome 10815 N 35th Ave, Phoenix, United States

Resources available Mosaic (person centered services) Lotus (habilitation & respite) Arion (habilitation & respite) Stop and Go Driving (instructors for spectrum students, reflex evaluation) Schiffman Law (SSI, social security) Emily Taylor Law (guardianship, special needs trust) Assure (day program) One Step Beyond (day program) and many more PRIZE FOR FIRST 20 FAMILIES TO ARRIVE


FREE Resource Fair for Families with Special Needs Youth/Adults

Saint Jerome 10815 N 35th Ave, Phoenix, United States

Many providers/vendors will be at the Fair to answer questions you may have: Schiffman Law (SSI, social security) Emily Taylor (guardianship, special needs trusts) One Step Beyond (day program) Paratransit/Valley Metro (transportation) and many, more... First 20 families receive a special gift.
