Pope writes to children about mission, invites them to Vatican in November

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- Peering just over the windowsill of Pope Francis' studio above St. Peter's Square, five children aged 7-10 joined the pope to announce a special gathering of children at the Vatican in November. "As you can see, beside me today are five children who represent the five continents," Pope Francis said Oct. 1 after reciting the Angelus. "I would like to announce along with them that on the afternoon of Nov. 6, in the Paul VI Hall, I will meet with children from all over the world."

Hundreds stand in line to greet new cardinals from the “peripheries”

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- One consequence of Pope Francis choosing new cardinals from the "peripheries" is that friends, family and fans of the newly elevated are just as shocked and surprised as the new cardinals are themselves to have been given the honor. "I never dreamed this would happen," Eugene Kurisinkal of Johor Bahru, Malaysia, said, wiping tears from his eyes, pointing to his uncle, Malaysian Cardinal Sebastian Francis of Penang. "We were at his episcopal ordination" in 2012 and thought that was going to be the high point of ceremonial celebrations of his 71-year-old uncle's lifelong ministry serving in Malaysia, he told Catholic News Service.

40 Days for Life homilist: ‘Twisted’ view of abortion’s roots in the Fall of...

PHOENIX – Fifteen months after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled abortion is not a federally guaranteed right, advocates for protecting life at conception “still have a lot of work to do.” But God’s law remains on their side, those advocates were told this week. “We pray for the day when we don’t have to be here,” Fr. Kilian McCaffrey told nearly 100 worshippers at St. Mary’s Basilica during a Mass to open 40 Days for Life’s annual fall campaign in the Diocese of Phoenix Wednesday.

Diocese plans historic expansion of Nazareth Seminary

By 2026 all Diocese of Phoenix seminarians will study in Arizona. Bishop John P. Dolan and the Office of Vocations of the Diocese of Phoenix...

Hawaiian Shirt Day at St. Mary-Basha to benefit Sacred Hearts in Lahaina

The devastating wildfires that swept through Maui left our nation sad and  heart-broken for all of the people affected by this tragedy. We felt...

Pope’s choices for next WYD celebrations are focused on hope

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- As Catholic young people around the world prepare for the Holy Year 2025, Pope Francis has asked them to focus on hope. Before the Jubilee of Young People, which will be part of the Holy Year celebration, and the next international celebration of World Youth Day in 2026 in Seoul, South Korea, dioceses around the world are to celebrate World Youth Day on a local level on the feast of Christ the King.

God has the same love for all, pope says at Angelus

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- People often are tempted to think their relationship with God is some kind of commercial transaction where they buy God's grace with their hard work, Pope Francis said. Another temptation is to judge others and presume that they have not worked as hard to deserve God's love, the pope said Sept. 24 as he commented on the day's Gospel reading before reciting the Angelus prayer with some 18,000 people gathered in St. Peter's Square.

NEWS BRIEF: OLPH Glendale celebrates opening of historic new building

GLENDALE, Ariz. –  A vision and idea in the making for four years came to fruition this past Saturday, as the official ribbon cutting and blessing of the new Administrative and STREAM Innovation Building took place on the campus of Our Lady of Perpetual Help School in Glendale. 

40 Days for Life kicks-off with Mass on September 27th

PHOENIX -- The legal landscape may be different from 15 months ago, but the message and approach by Arizona’s 40 Days for Life campaign remains the same: letting women know God loves them and their unborn, and that there is an alternative to ending an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy. 

Sharing God’s love beyond Sunday

Fr. Ed was a priest from the Archdiocese of Detroit. He visited St. Paul parish annually to escape the cold weather and my whole family always eagerly awaited his visits! He radiated joy and fun, and when he presided at Mass he reflected God’s Presence, God’s love, and God’s grace. To this day, my sons still remember the “chopstick priest” who referenced utensils during his homily about God’s feast.