NEWS BRIEF: Record attendance for 2023 Priest Convocation

More than 160 priests from all over the Catholic Diocese of Phoenix gathered in Flagstaff this week for four days of prayer, fellowship and formation during the 2023 Priest Convocation. This year’s convocation had one of the highest attendances ever. Normally the event takes place every other year.

The heart of Bishop Dolan’s Mental Health Ministry

Scripture is filled with stories of real people, like you and me. Everyday folks, who, in the very midst of their brokenness, are called by name. Jesus didn’t (and still doesn’t) call people who are highly qualified or perfectly holy, rather He meets people right where they are, inviting them to His table, and offering them a place of belonging.

From Vietnam to medicine to the priesthood: A Jesuit journey

PHOENIX -- It was early 1975, the War in Vietnam was approaching its end. Eddie Ngo hadn’t been born yet. But a series of events already was shaping the life of the future Jesuit priest, who now serves as associate pastor, manager of Ignatian Faith Formation and Enrichment, and vicar for Hispanic Ministries at St. Francis Xavier in Phoenix, the Diocese of Phoenix’s only parish run by the Society of Jesus.

Bishop Dolan celebrates ‘amazing community’ of Jesuits in 1st Diocesan Mass recognizing religious orders

PHOENIX ---The celebrant’s greeting at the 9 a.m. Mass came with a light departure in advance of the Penitential Act. Bishop John P. Dolan joked that as he arrived, “Stepping out of my car, I found this gaggle of Jesuits. ”Laughter rippled across the congregation of 700 plus worshippers inside Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral. Oxford’s Learner Dictionary, defines “gaggle” informally as “a disorderly or noisy group of people.” But the noise here reflected joyfulness, one of the traits associated with Jesuits.

Local teens bring relief from the heat

As temperatures soared this summer, Cam Benson (13) and Robert Berry (14) delivered water, food and umbrellas along with prayers to those out in...

Deep dive into the Theology of the Body sessions explore culture, God

Nearly 70 adults of various ages and stages of life dove head first into St. John Paul II's "Masterwork" by exploring the burning questions...

Praying for vocations means understanding church’s needs, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- While vocations to the Catholic priesthood and religious life are declining in developed countries around the world, prayers for vocations should not try to "convince" God to send more workers for the church but seek to better understand the needs of its people, Pope Francis said.

UPDATE: Pope meets U.S. leaders patiently building ‘culture of solidarity’

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- When Pope Francis told a group of U.S. community organizers that their work was "atomic," Jorge Montiel said, "I thought, 'Oh, you mean we blow things up?' "But instead, the pope spoke about how the groups associated with the West/Southwest Industrial Areas Foundation in the United States take issues patiently, "atom by atom," and end up building something that "penetrates" and changes entire communities, said Montiel, an IAF organizer in Colorado and New Mexico.

Natural Family Planning kicks off a year of celebration

The Office of Natural Family Planning (NFP) of the Diocese of Phoenix kicked off a year-long celebration of 50 years of NFP with Mass...

Evangelization and Sacramental Life

Fr. Ed was a priest from the Archdiocese of Detroit. He visited St. Paul parish annually to escape the cold weather and my whole family always eagerly awaited his visits! He radiated joy and fun, and when he presided at Mass he reflected God’s Presence, God’s love, and God’s grace. To this day, my sons still remember the “chopstick priest” who referenced utensils during his homily about God’s feast.