‘This is beautiful’: Bishop ordains two to priesthood in the Diocese of Phoenix

PHOENIX – In an ordination marked by decades-old Church tradition, poignant childhood stories, and glimpses into the candidates’ lives, the Diocese of Phoenix has welcomed two young men to the priesthood, the newest members of an ecclesiastical fraternity in this growing bishopric of 1.7 million Catholics whose recent expansion has been punctuated by its expanding Latino population. 

Repeated invitations, coaxing of loved ones lead to ordination to the priesthood for two...

Joyce Coronel, Together Let Us Go Forth Magazine The two men recently ordained to the priesthood by Bishop John P. Dolan share a deep devotion...

NEWS BRIEF: Bishop Dolan Celebrates Priestly Ordination at Cathedral

Bishop John Dolan celebrated the Priestly Ordination of Gabriel Sabado and Miguel Solis at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral on Saturday morning, June 3, 2023.  He was joined by Auxillary Bishop Eduardo Nevares, Bishop Emeritus Thomas Olmsted and several priests, deacons and seminarians before a standing room only crowd at the Cathedral.  

NEWS BRIEF: [X(avier) + 2 Gators] x [Service] = Math Magicians Camp

Xavier students to share love of math with children with learning challenges

NEWS BRIEF: Diocese honors fallen soldiers at Red, White and Blue Mass

Given that Memorial Day was established to honor and remember all military personnel killed in the line of duty, it seemed fitting that the Catholic community would also pray for their souls with a Mass.

NEWS BRIEF: Catholic Education Arizona Launches New Non-Tax Division

Catholic Education Arizona, the largest Catholic School Tuition Organization (STO) in Arizona, launched a new division to meet unmet student scholarship need. The new...

St. Peter’s Basilica opens exhibit on Marian coronations

Of the more than 1,300 Marian images crowned around the world, one of the first to receive this honor does not have a crown today.

Vatican launches compact for families with pope’s support

Asserting that "it is in the family that many of God's dreams for the human community are realized," Pope Francis asked Catholic universities and Catholic couples around the world to support the "Family Global Compact."

Those with political power must be ‘servants’ to citizens, pope says

The greatest way of life is serving others, and those in political power must see themselves as servants, too, Pope Francis said.

Pope asks poets, filmmakers to challenge people, help them see beauty

Catholic artists, poets, writers and filmmakers serve the church not by trying to "domesticate" Christ but by helping people challenge and expand their knowledge of the Lord, Pope Francis said.