Promote Christian values, not divisions, on social media, Vatican says

Catholics should make an "examination of conscience" about how they use social media, how they allow it to influence them and about the opportunities it provides them to share the Gospel, build community and care for others, said the Vatican Dicastery for Communication.

Pope on Pentecost: Synod is journey in the Spirit, not ‘a parliament’

The Catholic Church's current Synod of Bishops should not be a "parliament for demanding rights," but a "journey in accordance with the Spirit," Pope Francis said.

Pope Francis says situation at U.S.-Mexico border is ‘serious problem’

Pope Francis called the migration crisis between Mexico and the United States a "serious problem" and praised a U.S. bishop working along the border during an interview with Telemundo journalist Julio Vaqueiro.

To overcome U.S. division, violence, pope tells young to ‘be authentic’

Increasing division and violence in the United States must be combatted by living authentically and respecting others, Pope Francis said.

A church of the many: Pope addresses some synod questions, fears

While the release of the working document for the Synod of Bishops on synodality is expected sometime in early June, Pope Francis tried to respond to some of the questions and concerns about the synod process that already have been raised.

War against creation must stop, pope says in message for day of prayer

People must end the "senseless war against creation" and help victims of environmental and climate injustice, Pope Francis said.

Pope prays Chinese Catholics can practice faith fully, freely

Pope Francis prayed that Catholics in China would be free to share the Gospel and live their faith fully.

Pray at Pentecost for courage to evangelize, pope says

Christians should pray on Pentecost that the Holy Spirit would give them the courage and strength to share the Gospel, Pope Francis said.

Shrinking minority is hoarding wealth, power, cardinal says

People of faith and those working in the fields of science, economics and politics need to work together to help care for life and humanity's common home, said Cardinal Michael Czerny, prefect of the Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development.

NEWS BRIEF: Diocese Celebrates Ordination to the Diaconate of Jesus Martinez on Pentecost Sunday

Several priests, deacons and seminarians from around the Diocese of Phoenix joined Bishop John Dolan and Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo Nevares on Pentecost Sunday for the Ordination to the Diaconate of Jesus Martinez. The special Mass took place at Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral in Phoenix and was televised live across the state of Arizona on AZTV Channel 7.