Missionaries needed today, including in ‘tired old West,’ pope says

Missionaries are needed today just like in the past because "there are so many men and women who still need the Gospel, not only in the so-called 'mission lands,' but also in the tired old West," Pope Francis said.

Jesus shows what path to take, especially in times of trouble, pope says

Christians have no need to be afraid or hopeless because Jesus always tells the faithful where they are going and how to get there, Pope Francis said.

NEWS BRIEF: First-ever Green Mass for Mental Health Professionals

The Diocese of Phoenix held a first-ever “Green Mass” on Sunday at Ss. Simon & Jude Cathedral in Phoenix. The Mass, celebrated by Bishop John Dolan, was to thank and pray for mental health professionals from across the valley for their service in helping those in need.

The art of waiting: Rome airport displays Baroque masterpiece

Alongside departure listings and boarding gates, the 35,000 passengers who walk through Terminal 1 at Rome's largest airport each day can also see a marble masterpiece of Christ on their way to catch a flight.

Love, service are marks of belonging to one family in Christ, pope says

Meeting a group of pilgrims from the Italian diocese his father's family came from, Pope Francis said the family "remains a key value" even though it is "a reality that has changed so much and continues to change."

Pope to safeguarding commission: Be kind, bring hope, heal broken lives

Safeguarding minors and vulnerable persons must be a priority for everyone in the church, Pope Francis said.

World Youth Day prep advice from pope: speak to your grandparents

Just under three months before World Youth Day gets underway in Lisbon, Portugal, Pope Francis said young people should consult their grandparents about how to prepare.

Catholic universities must be missionary in spirit, pope says

Catholic universities must be outward looking and prepare their students to engage with the world's problems rather than teaching rigid ideas, Pope Francis said.

Christians must nurture roots of faith and build bridges, pope says

The strong roots of faith and community helped the people of Hungary resist and survive Nazi occupation and communism, Pope Francis said, and the people must draw on those roots today to resist the more subtle threats of consumerism and individualism.

Kremlin denies working with Vatican on peace talks

Moscow is not working with the Vatican to end the war in Ukraine, said a Kremlin spokesperson.