To confront problems of artificial intelligence, involve women, pope says

Women must contribute the natural harmony of their thoughts, feelings and actions to the development and use of artificial intelligence, said Pope Francis.

Help those who are ‘thirsty’ for closeness, attention, Gospel, pope says

Jesus quenches humanity's thirst with love, Pope Francis said.

Letters from pope entered into evidence at Vatican trial

Cardinal Angelo Becciu, who is on trial at the Vatican for financial malfeasance, tried to get Pope Francis to sign statements saying the cardinal acted with the pope's approval when he used Vatican money to invest in a property in London and when he paid a woman who claimed she could help secure the release of a kidnapped nun.

Jesus asks that no one be excluded from his table, pope says

The Catholic Church is not selective: each one of its members is a sinner and part of the holy, faithful people of God, Pope Francis said in an interview marking his 10 years as pope.

Helping, welcoming others creates a culture of fraternity, pope says

Taking in and welcoming others must be done without expecting anything from them in return, Pope Francis said.

Women’s way: Pope opens path for more women at Vatican, in church

At the end of his general audience in St. Peter's Square March 8, International Women's Day, Pope Francis led a round of applause for women.

To be Christian is to share God’s love, pope says at audience

The mission to spread the Gospel message of God's love and of salvation in Christ is entrusted to all the baptized who are called to work together and never set out alone, Pope Francis said.

Pope names new cardinals to his council of advisers

Pope Francis named five new members to his international Council of Cardinals and renewed the mandate of four current members, the Vatican announced March 7.

Pope to open Lenten prayer, penance service at Rome parish

Pope Francis will open a Lenten prayer and penance initiative at a Rome parish March 17 rather than in St. Peter's Basilica as in past years.

To see God’s beauty, just look around you, pope says

The light and beauty of Christ is an invitation to recognize God's love in life's ordinary moments, Pope Francis said.