Make room for God, pray for peace, pope says in Christmas services

The pope urged people to recognize the connection between believing in God and helping others through acts of charity and by praying and working for peace.

Pope visits butler in jail, personally delivers pardon

During a 15-minute meeting in the Vatican police barracks, Pope Benedict XVI visited with his former butler, Paolo Gabriele, and told him he was forgiven and was being pardoned.

Priest tells young artists their work inspires, ‘explains our faith’

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Art and faith complement one another, a priest told this year's winners of the Christmas Artwork Contest of the Missionary Childhood...

Pope advances sainthood causes of Pope Paul VI, more than 850 others

Pope Benedict XVI advanced the sainthood cause of Pope Paul VI by recognizing the Italian pope as having lived the Christian virtues in a heroic way. He also recognized a miracle attributed to the intercession of an Italian martyr who, with an estimated 800 other people, died at the hands of Ottoman invaders in the 15th century.

Bishops remain focused on ‘responsible restrictions’ on gun ownership

The Catholic bishops of the United States remain focused on seeking "reasonable restrictions" on gun ownership without infringing upon Second Amendment rights as momentum builds to implement new limits on assault weapons and high-capacity ammunition clips.

New director of Native American Ministry begins serving

Mill Hll Missionary Father Gregory Rice began his role as director of Native American Ministry for the Diocese of Phoenix last month. He will serve two Native American parishes and their respective 11 missions.

Motives said to be as varied as the perpetrators in killing sprees

Although the recent spate of mass gun attacks has the same results -- multiple deaths and woundings -- the motivations behind those attacks can be nearly as varied as those who commit those atrocities.

Bishop Pates urges White House to negotiate with Iran to prevent war

The chairman of the U.S. bishops' Committee on International Justice and Peace called on the White House's national security adviser to pursue negotiations with Iran on its nuclear research to head off the possibility of war.

Religious colleges win legal round with court ruling on HHS suit

WASHINGTON (CNS) -- Four days after the first federal appellate-level hearing on two religious colleges' legal challenge to the contraceptive mandate, the appeals court...

Harrowing journey for family of refugees ends in Phoenix

St. Patrick parishioners welcome Cuban refugee family after a long journey to the United States.