Humanitarian efforts cope with unexpected refugees in West Africa

OUAGADOUGOU, Burkina Faso — Violence in Mali has created unexpected challenges to humanitarian efforts in neighboring West African countries.

West African bishops focus development efforts on education

KAYA, Burkina Faso — Kaya Bishop Thomas Kaboré believes the greatest challenge facing his people is poor economic development. Drought and, consequently, famine have taken their toll on the region for years.

Nativity story’s significance continues to unfold today, pope writes

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Nativity story, like the whole story of Christ, is not merely an event in the past, but has unfolding significance for people today, with implications for such issues as the limits of political power and the purpose of human freedom, Pope Benedict writes in his third and final volume on the life and teachings of Jesus.

‘Irish’ students, fans worldwide unite to honor Ss. Simon Jude principal

Her congratulatory page on Facebook stands at 218, but Sr. Raphael Quinn’s fan base is clearly far higher.

Immaculate Heart Radio, cancer shrine celebrate three years of healing

MESA — Immaculate Heart Radio 1310 AM offers 24-hour programming that foments the Catholic faith. The St. Peregrine Cancer Shrine offers perpetual adoration for...

Catholics on both side of the Gaza border pray for hostilities to end

JERUSALEM (CNS) -- As diplomatic efforts were underway to reach a ceasefire agreement between Hamas and Israel Nov. 20, Catholics on both sides of the Gaza border prayed for peace.

Catholic Community Foundation awards more than $400,000 in grants

The Catholic Community Foundation presented checks totaling $419,825 to a roomful of grant recipients at its annual meeting and grants reception Nov. 7 at the National Bank of Arizona Conference Center.

Faith unites Catholics at multicultural Mass

Efren Muñoz, a university student who works at Gateway Community College, began studying his heritage years ago. He discovered that his great-grandfather from the Philippines spoke Japanese.

Notre Dame students host ‘HopeKids Day’ for terminally-ill

SCOTTSDALE — Kids can still hope in the future, even if a life-threatening illness makes that future uncertain at best. Just ask Joel. The 2-year-old from...

Community rallies for 11-year-old with spina bifida

Owen Smyser is only halfway to 12, but he’s already a whiz at public speaking and fundraising.