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St. Teresa of Calcutta’s birthday not forgotten by Missionaries of Charity
CALCUTTA, India (CNS) — Missionaries of Charity nuns in India celebrated the birthday of their order’s founder, St. Teresa of Calcutta, three years after her canonization, breaking a Catholic convention.
Profiles in Mission: Liz Amaro
She has a personal and professional interest in seeing Our Lady of the Lake School evolve into a full PS-8 campus.
Lake Havasu City school expands ahead of schedule as Our Lady of the Lake’s...
Staff planned to add one grade per year until it emerged as a PS-8 campus, but demand defined reality differently.
Cathedral school, greater community mourn beloved Sr. Gabby Marry, IBVM (1940-2019)
She offered the irreplaceable gift of Irish presence to school children, convent visitors, adults, the elderly, and via letter, inmates.
Brother priests who became military chaplains reunited in burial ceremony
Edward Rouse, the priests' oldest nephew and a Marine Corps veteran, called the 15-minute ceremony that included a 21-gun salute "the appropriate rendition of honors for two men who served God and country."
Jesus is always ready to help free people from evil, pope says
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Christians recognize life’s great paradox that so much evil and temptation exist in the world, but that God is always present, too, ready to help and give people the strength to persevere, Pope Francis said.
Not ruling on apparitions, pope allows pilgrimages to Medjugorje
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Parishes and dioceses are now allowed to organize official pilgrimages to Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, but it must be clear that the Catholic Church has not recognized as authentic the alleged Marian apparitions there.
Repentance and Renewal: Lent is a time to grow in holiness
Every year the Church moves the faithful through her liturgical seasons in order to grow in ways that may not otherwise be imagined. The penitential season of Lent begins Ash Wednesday, March 6 this year.
SVdP International president: Phoenix serves as model, but could use more youth
If we work with the youth at the schools, at the university, at groups of Confirmation classes, for example, I think we can join more youth people to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul.
How Paul VI influenced one young man who now leads his home diocese
VATICAN CITY (CNS) — His voice, his outstretched hands, his boarding an airplane to meet the world — those are some of the most striking things about Blessed Paul VI that moved and inspired a young man discerning the priesthood.