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‘We are completely yours!’

Catholics packed into Ss. Simon and Jude Cathedral bowed their heads as they joined Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted in a prayer that consecrated the diocese to the Immaculate Heart of Mary during an Oct. 13 Mass.

Pope: Pray the Rosary [VIDEO]

Catholics worldwide heard a papal call to pray the Rosary. It's a challenge Catholics in the Diocese have taken up during a 54-Day Novena

After public procession, bishop consecrates Jackson Diocese to Mary

"A mother's love is what I needed," one participant said, "Mary took me by the hand and gently drew me to the bosom of Jesus when I was so far from Him that I couldn't imagine ever being reconciled." The consecration redoubled efforts at reconciliation and discipleship.

Pet blessings

If you'd like to get your pet blessed, there are several remaining opportunities Oct. 7-8.

Gianna Emanuela Molla shares testimony of her ‘saint mommy’

GILBERT — Dr. Gianna Emanuela Molla — a living relic and namesake of her mother, 20th-century saint Gianna Beretta Molla — captured hearts in Arizona as she shared her family’s love story.

Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

The famous Russian author Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn spent nearly 50 years studying the history of the bloody revolution that took the lives of some 60 million of his countrymen. In the process, he read hundreds of books, collected personal testimonies and wrote volumes on the Communist Revolution in Russia. He concluded, “men have forgotten God.”

Consagración al Inmaculado Corazón de María

El famoso autor ruso Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn pasó casi 50 años estudiando la historia de la revolución sangrienta que costó la vida de unos 60 millones de sus compatriotas. Concluyó: “los hombres se han olvidado de Dios”.

Novena sanará a las familias: Obispo llama a las familias a participar en devoción...

En un momento cuando las familias están sufriendo por los pecados de aborto, divorcio, abuso, pornografía y otros ataques a la familia, Nuestra Señora de Fátima ofrece un rayo de esperanza a través de su Hijo. El Obispo Thomas J. Olmsted está llamando a todos en la Diócesis de Phoenix para rezar una Novena de 54 días a Nuestra Señora de Fátima.

Novena urged to heal families: Bishop calls faithful to participate in 54-day devotion

At a time when families are suffering because of the sins of abortion, divorce, abuse, pornography and other attacks on the family, Our Lady of Fatima offers a ray of hope through her Son. Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted is calling everyone in the Phoenix Diocese to join him in praying a 54-day Novena to Our Lady of Fatima.

Catholics on Guam pray for peace amid threats by North Korea

HAGATNA, Guam (CNS) — The Catholic Church on Guam is urging its members and all people on the island to be prayerful and stay centered in Christ amid threats of missile attacks by North Korea.