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Knights name 2021 International Family of Year, honor five local councils

The Knights of Columbus named the Steciak family of Rembieszyce, Poland, as the organization's 2021 International Family of the Year.

Polish pilgrims mark anniversary of attempt to assassinate St. John Paul

An elderly man stood alone in St. Peter's Square May 13, using his wooden rosary beads to pray by a simple plaque marking the place where St. John Paul II was shot exactly 40 years earlier.

Pope, at audience with public present, talks about the power of prayer

Holding a general audience with visitors and pilgrims present for the first time in more than six months, Pope Francis said he was very pleased to see people "face to face."

Pope urges altar servers to be signs of faith to their parishes

Being an altar server should be a "profession of faith" to the entire parish community, Pope Francis told young men and women participating in Portugal's annual altar server pilgrimage to Fatima.

Church, world need St. Joseph’s spiritual care in tough times, says priest

https://youtu.be/RMzTgqqDu3g WASHINGTON (CNS) — Marian Father Donald Calloway believes the Holy Spirit wants to draw Catholics’ attention to St. Joseph, husband of Mary and earthly...

Knights of Columbus unveils initiation ceremony that will be public

After 142 years, the Knights of Columbus is pulling down a veil of secrecy that has surrounded its initiation ceremonies from its beginning in an effort to better showcase the order’s core principles and its drive to help Catholic men become disciples.

History lesson reveals origin of marriage crisis

Two centuries ago, British philosopher and statesman Edmund Burke famously warned that those who do not know history are doomed to repeat it.

Under Our Lady’s Protection: Catholics urged to consecrate themselves to Christ through Mary

Marian consecrations often involve a 33-day preparation period which end on the vigil of a Marian feast day. Kid-friendly options are also available.

Diocesan patroness Our Lady of Guadalupe to be honored at Rosary Celebration

When the Diocese hosts the 44th annual Arizona Rosary Celebration later this month, it will be even more than an installment of an annual rite promoting prayer and intercession through the Rosary while honoring the Blessed Mother.

Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe, patrona de la diócesis, será honrada en evento anual

Cuando la Diócesis de Phoenix realice la 44a Celebración del Rosario de Arizona a finales de este mes, será incluso más que una entrega de un rito anual que promueve la oración y la intercesión a través del Rosario, mientras honra a la Santísima Madre.