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In the crosshairs: Vatican police recalibrated mission during war

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The COVID-19 pandemic came at the worst time for scholars and historians who had been waiting for the March 2 opening of the Vatican archives’ material that spans the wartime pontificate of Pope Pius XII.

Memories of St. John Paul II on his 100th birthday

Do I remember St. John Paul II? Yes, I remember him well. I write of him as the centennial of his birth May 18, 1920, approaches. It would be impossible to list all my lasting memories of him in one article. So that is not my goal.

Sheltering in place? Teens can be entertained in place

NEW YORK (CNS) — Parents of teens sheltering in place may be balancing the hope of keeping them entertained with concerns about the content available to them via streaming services. The following, in alphabetical order, are reviews of some shows parents can feel comfortable suggesting to their adolescents.

What is a Spiritual Communion? An explainer

Even during a pandemic, Sunday is still the Lord’s Day. The faithful seeking to unite themselves in the sacrificial Mass without being physically present can still unite their hearts and minds to Jesus and the Universal Church. It’s called Spiritual Communion.

Oklahoma City remains ‘beacon of healing’ 25 years after bombing, says archbishop

OKLAHOMA CITY (CNS) — The nation will never forget “the 168 innocent lives taken, including 19 children,” in the bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City April 19, 1995, said Archbishop Paul S. Coakley.

Pope sends video message ahead of Holy Week

He prays especially for those suffering and for all the families whose lives have been upset in this difficult time.

Diocese’s first Bible conference takes participants deeper into God’s Word

Employees forced to work at home. Restaurants and stores by the hundreds closed. Classrooms emptied of the familiar sights and sounds of children learning. The coronavirus pandemic has offered the world unprecedented challenges to daily living … and given Catholics an opportunity like none before to lean on God through His Word. That’s exactly what the Diocese of Phoenix’s first Biblical Studies Conference provided.

New York Cardinal’s reflections provide much food for spiritual thought

Anyone who has ever heard Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan — in personal conversation, interviewed on TV, giving a homily or addressing a conference — knows the archbishop of New York is not at a loss for words.

Catholic leaders praise Colorado’s repeal of death penalty

It's the third state in as many years to do so and the third since the Vatican's 2018 revision to the Catechism declaring it eternally inadmissible.

On St. Joseph’s feast, Italy to pray rosary for protection from coronavirus

It will unite Italy and the world in faith, hope and a love that becomes a red thread of charity, which is much stronger than the red zone, an Italian cardinal said.