prison - search results

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Diaconate celebrates men’s, family’s years of service

Though listed as "retired," the faithful will likely still see 11 deacons assisting in liturgy, supporting funeral services, reaching out to inmates and supporting an array of other vital ministries.

Feast of St. Mark the Evangelist

According to the Acts of the Apostles, Mark’s mother owned the house where the first Jerusalem Christians prayed and where Peter stayed after his miraculous release from prison (Acts 12:1-19).

Sr. Margaret Usuka, SNDdeN, (1926-2018) remembered for artistic passion, ability to reach out to...

She briefly led a Catholic school in Glendale and supported a library on the Fort McDowell Indian Reservation. She also served as a teacher and a servant of the poor in Cincinnati, Chicago, Kenya and Alaska.

El Papa Francisco publica su nueva exhortación apostólica sobre el llamado a la santidad

VATICANO (ACI Prensa) — “Gaudete et Exsultate (Alegraos y Regocijaos), sobre el llamado a la santidad en el mundo actual” es la tercera exhortación apostólica del Papa Francisco — después de Evangelii Gaudium y de Amoris Laetitia — y de su Pontificado, que acaba de cumplir cinco años.

Holiness means being loving, not boring, pope says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — God calls all Christians to be saints — not plastic statues of saints, but real people who make time for prayer and who show loving care for others in the simplest gestures, Pope Francis said in his new document on holiness.

Indiana inmates embrace fresh start by joining the Catholic Church

INDIANAPOLIS (CNS) — There are times when nearly everyone seeks redemption for a mistake or a moment of darkness, times that can help find a way to return to the grace of God.

Pope to priests: Show Jesus’ truth by being close to the people

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — If Jesus and His truth are to become truly present in today’s world, priests must do what Jesus did and be “street preachers,” going out to encounter and accompany sinners with tenderness and compassion, Pope Francis told the world’s priests.

Pope praises French policeman who gave his life to save hostage

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Pope Francis joined leaders praising a French police officer who “gave his life out of a desire to protect people” during a terrorist attack.

Good Friday to draw faithful together in public prayer too [VIDEO]

Whether you join these groups physically or in spirit on Good Friday, keep in prayer all those who set foot inside abortion facilities, especially the unborn, and those in the homeless community who are innocently trapped.

British actor didn’t play title role of Paul in movie: ‘It played me’

An entire page of notes on how to play Paul — nothing precise but overall notes on how to approach it, helped. "I've never had a director do something so tellingly about a character," he said.