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Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo, San Diego, and the Channel Islands
There are lots of interesting stories about the early years of discovery in Southern California. Many are not true, but that doesn’t mean the actual truth is completely known.
Interview on an interview: Jesuit discusses Pope Francis
Pope Francis sat down with Jesuit Father Antonio Spadaro for an extensive interview for the Italian Journal La Civilita Cattolica, America Magazine and other Jesuit publications. To get deeper into this much-discussed interview, The Catholic Sun sat down with Jesuit Father Edward Reese, president of Brophy College Preparatory.
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If we are your only/main source for Catholic news, you're missing some other worthwhile reads. Here are some headlines of interest from other diocesan papers
Catholic and American? Key ways to evangelize today’s culture; part six in a series
The common good is built by means of charity. While it is true that the government has a role to play in this endeavor, it is incapable of bringing about human flourishing on its own, since it cannot move people to act with charity.
‘Over the moon’: Vet gets a second chance at life
COTTONWOOD — Joseph Daniel Callaghan couldn’t stop fiddling with his white flip-flops. They’re busted. One of the straps has come apart and, no matter how much Scotch tape he sticks on there, it isn’t going to stay put. But he won’t quit trying.
Pope says church should face wayward members like a merciful mother
Pope Francis said the church should approach its members with the face of a patient, merciful and understanding mother, who always forgives her erring children and never ceases to pray that they resume the path of Christian living.
Bishop Nevares takes part in death penalty summit
Members of a group known as Death Penalty Alternatives for Arizona helped organize a legislative summit Sept. 13 at the Arizona State Senate. Eight speakers — including Auxiliary Bishop Eduardo A. Nevares — addressed a crowded hearing room regarding both the costs and the justice of the death penalty.
Bishop says Egyptians running out of food because they fear going out
A Catholic bishop in Luxor, about 400 miles south of Cairo, said Muslims and Christians are afraid to leave their homes; because the shops are closed and no one is venturing outside, many are running out of food.
Bishop installs Chavira as chancellor of the Diocese of Phoenix
Bishop Thomas J. Olmsted installed Dr. Maria Romo Chavira as the new chancellor of the Diocese of Phoenix Aug. 20 during a Mass celebrated at the Diocesan Pastoral Center chapel.
Jerusalem, shared ‘security blanket,’ key to Israeli-Palestinian peace
Coveted as a spiritual and political capital by both Israelis and Palestinians, the status of the city of Jerusalem has stood out as one of the pivotal topics in their ongoing peace negotiations.