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Pope to Russian patriarch: ‘We are brothers’

HAVANA (CNS) — At long last, Pope Francis and Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill of Moscow embraced, kissing each other three times. “Finally,” the pope told the patriarch Feb. 12 as they met in a lounge at Havana’s José Martí International Airport. “We are brothers,” he told the patriarch.

Pope, Russian Orthodox patriarch to meet in Cuba, Vatican announces

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — After almost three decades of tense Catholic-Russian Orthodox relations, Pope Francis will meet Patriarch Kirill of Moscow Feb. 12 in Cuba on the pope’s way to Mexico. It will be the first-ever meeting of a pope and Moscow patriarch, Jesuit Father Federico Lombardi, Vatican spokesman, told reporters Feb. 5.

Christ’s birth can bring peace, hope to suffering world, pope says

Where God is born, so is hope and peace, with no room for hatred and war, Pope Francis said in his Christmas message.

Synod report highlights pastoral care of society’s marginalized

VATICAN CITY (CNS) — While they did not grab headlines, the elderly and people with disabilities, openness to life and the plight of migrants and refugees were also on the agenda of the Synod of Bishops on the family. The synod’s final report, which was approved Oct. 24, addressed the pastoral needs of those who are often cast aside to the margins of society, those who are often neglected and abandoned in a world that places profit over value.

Restoring walls, rebuilding communities: Ukrainians help one another

After a 16-month civil war that left 7,000 dead and more than double that injured, Ukrainians are rebuilding physical walls and destroying psychological ones, a nod to the slogan of volunteers with "Building Ukraine Together," an initiative of young people from western and central Ukraine.

Ukrainian bishops say military struggle must be matched by moral change

"A national house in which harmony and justice, honesty and respect for each person's dignity will reign," the bishops said.

In Japan, U.S. bishop says USCCB will push for nuclear disarmament

For a long minute on a sunny morning, silence fell over the memorial park that commemorates the Aug. 6, 1945, atomic bombing of the city when a fireball ripped apart the skies.

Military chaplain shortage addressed [VIDEO]

The Archdiocese for the Military Services is holding a discernment event in Washington for priests to promote "a vocation within a vocation," as a chaplain serving Catholic military families.

Ukrainian priest says his emotional captivity was worse than physical

At some point, he started praying for his torturers. "Prayer was the instrument that transformed me and my attitude to them. And the Lord touched my heart," a Ukrainian priest told CNS.

Helping the poor involves Knights in faith in ‘deep way,’ says Anderson

The volunteerism of the Knights of Columbus and the fraternal organization's fundraising for charitable works fit right in with Pope Francis' emphasis on the idea of "a church of and for the poor," according to Supreme Knight Carl Anderson.